Hearthlist Digest #426 - Friday, March 10, 2000
WebHeads Reunion
  by "by way of [email protected] (Craig Issod)" <kg-one@weyrkee

(back) Subject: WebHeads Reunion From: "by way of [email protected] (Craig Issod)" <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 23:10:51 -0500 (EST)   It appears we are going to get a good turn out from the responses received by my email and on the list. I for one am looking forward to see if I can remember the faces I met at the last gathering....   For all of you that may be sitting on the fence about attending >> Craig has promised to go the entire evening and NOT talk about how Apple is better than the common PC. Now that will be an event..... But he is bringing a little music, so if you have something you can drag along to also make sounds it will be welcome.   I finally got a room number for the United Buyers Group hospitality suite that the WebHeads will be using for the evening: Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel Suite #424. See you there Wednesday 6PM - 9PM or so   Ken Fulgione