Hearthlist Digest #421 - Friday, March 3, 2000 Re: Suppliers by "Grant Darrow" <[email protected]> Woodburning meetings at EXPO by "John Crouch" <[email protected]>
(back) Subject: Re: Suppliers From: "Grant Darrow" <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 21:48:16 -0500 >We don=92t need nannys, we need good suppliers. Roger hit it on the head. I have one supplier that never misses and responds within 30 minutes on orders shipped from thousands of miles away and delivers to my door. Who? I'm not telling! It gives me that competitive edge!
(back) Subject: Woodburning meetings at EXPO From: "John Crouch" <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 21:48:44 -0500 To all Hearth Industry Professionals with Interests in Woodburning: Two meetings that may be of interest 1) Masonry Products Caucus, Wednesday March 15, 2:00pm Rm 311 in the Convention Center. This is a first meeting of this group, open to all members interested in Masonry hearth products. This meeting will be an effort to test the need and interest for this type of group in the HPA membership. Open to masons, heater builders, heater kit manufacturers, damper and screen makers, brick distributors, in short, everyone who hopes that brick and stone hearth products will not disappear from our association. 2) Solid Fuel Technical Committee, Sunday March 19, 9-10 am Rm 311. This meeting is really NOT open to everyone, in the sense that if you don't know the difference between method 5G and 5H, you may be very frustrated. This meeting is for the folks John Gulland refers to as the "wood geeks", woodstove, fireplace, and heater geeks. Paul Tiegs and Jim Houck have both been up to their eyebrows in a bunch of projects and they JUST ONE HOUR, to download to this group. e-mail me if you have questions. See you in Baltimore! John Crouch Director of Government Relations Hearth Products Association [email protected] www.hearthassoc.org