Hearthlist Digest #116 - Saturday, February 28, 1998
Re:Indoor Air Quality -  Hearthlist Digest #114 - 02/26/98
  by I REP 4 U <[email protected]>
Re:IAQ (indoor air quaility)
  by Grant Darrow <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Re:Indoor Air Quality - Hearthlist Digest #114 - 02/26/98 From: I REP 4 U <[email protected]> Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 13:38:47 -0400     CRAIG Hearth products and the health issue. We (STANDEX ENERGY SYSTEMS) addressed this issue in the 70'S and 80'S with AIR EXCHANGERS outside air to inside air cleaned and heated . Not much response from our industry then and we even told them how this system removed RADON OH WELL . The big question still remains how to you get the HORSE to drink water. My MOM who has been in poor health for years respitory on air , would not give up her heat from her vent free for love nor money. Her condition pre-dates the vent free's , she had a problem with vented products.   THANKS LARRY HAMMONDS      
(back) Subject: Re:IAQ (indoor air quaility) From: Grant Darrow <[email protected]> Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 13:39:52 -0400     Look out!!   This has been a hot button since the K-falls base line respiratory study in school age kids several years ago.   The study assumed that during the winter months, decreased pulmonary function was because of the increase in wood stove use. ( Out door primarily, indoor secondarily) Reality is that in the winter months kids are captive audiences to INDOOR AIR QUALITY of which woodstoves are a small contributor. (And this is growing smaller but the problem is growing bigger!!) Schools, churches, shopping malls....etc. Whats trapped in the indoor air is RECYCLED.   I was just called into a Ford Dealership with to much CO, I determined that there was residual back ground CO level of 19 ppm with the gas stove off!!! and they had taken out the woodstove!   The IAQ issue is only going to reaffirm why well installed wood stoves are best in some instances and why gas isn't always best......or why new homes shouldn't have anykind of combustion process going on in them at all.   Sick Buildings! Time to get off the potty or poop!     > willieweep last of the climbing sweeps 'Lucky I am, lucky thats me, lucky to touch, lucky to see'   [email protected]