Hearthlist Digest #414 - Tuesday, February 22, 2000 Re: Customer Service by "Grant Darrow" <[email protected]> Question from England by "Craig Issod" <[email protected]>
(back) Subject: Re: Customer Service From: "Grant Darrow" <[email protected]> Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:26:41 -0500 Its not a new age at all !!! 'junk.com' is simply the 'no service' end of our industry consolidating like everything else around us. Customer service on the ground level has always been what maintains strength and integrity of a manufacturers products. For 23 years I've watched alot of great hearth products get a bum rap simply because of what happens after the salesman sells it. Nothing! I'm a retailer today because of my service, which always comes before = sales. If your service department this time of year doesn't look like the May Tag service guy sitting around waiting for a call you have a serious problem. How do you afford and maintain a May Tag service guy? Thats the secret!!! 95% of my calls this time of year are from the 'junk.com' consumers = asking me if I work on products other than what I sell. One of my frustrations = is the 'junk.com' manufacturer that won't sell me parts so I can fix their product! Instead they refer me to the retailer that originally sold the product but doesn't service it! By the time the manufacturer, the retailer and then I mark up that convection blower it cost the 'junk.com' consumer $330 plus the time to not only diagnose the problem but return and fix it! Surviving as a retailer until these companies put themselves out of business is another age old frustration. The failure rate for retail shops and installing contractors is well over 90% after ten years. This leaves = an awful lot of product hanging out there with no support other than the manufacturers service departments which , as far as I know, don't even own service trucks. Their only tools are telephones and UPS. Willieweep alias Grant Darrow Chimney Sweep www.northcountrystoves.com
(back) Subject: Question from England From: "Craig Issod" <[email protected]> Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 16:03:20 -0500 Got this question today...anyone have a good answer? Dear Experts, My younger sister is much intrigued with why a mantlepiece is so called and it would be very handy if you were to explain this to me. Please mail me back. Fran from Marsden