Hearthlist Digest #411 - Thursday, February 10, 2000
Majestic Black Monday
  by "Richard and Patricia Kerr" <[email protected]>
Re: Shutting down the net!
  by "Jim Butchart" <[email protected]>
Re: Majestic cares?
  by "Skip Jackson" <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Majestic Black Monday From: "Richard and Patricia Kerr" <[email protected]> Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 21:45:36 -0500   If it's any help at all, we've received good, often excellent, service = from Anne and other people at CFM (VC) in Mississauga, Toronto, Ontario, yes, Canada. The times they are a'changin' Pat Kerr Sunworks Inc. Hawkesbury Ontario    
(back) Subject: Re: Shutting down the net! From: "Jim Butchart" <[email protected]> Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 21:47:19 -0500     > Wow! Hackers shut down Yahoo, eBay, even slowed down Amazon today. > Cnn.com is not reachable from here tonight either. This is like the > tet offensive, a massive coordinated attack on many of the nets > largest sites.   Nicely written piece Craig. This is stuff that is near and dear to our hearts and will, in a very short time, be much more significant to = everyone else.   This is serious guano. Deep doodoo.   You are right when you say the internet is based on trust. It is such an open system that any curious person can learn how to manipulate it. I am convinced that if I was of a completely different mindset, I could also bring just about any system to its knees. It is too easy to run a cron = job out of hacked sites all over the world and have trojans fire up all at one time, churning out a bazillion bad packets to one target. The problem is that it is too easy.   It is going to be interesting to see how the feds are going to attempt to deal with this. What is nasty is that some kid is messing with a very = cool tool.   Jim Butchart WebWorkWest   www.hearthassociation.org/E-expo www.webworkwest.com    
(back) Subject: Re: Majestic cares? From: "Skip Jackson" <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 09:10:37 -0500   Dear Gary and Carrie, Your message ended with: Once again, we start all over.... Why don't you start all over with another company. I was a Majestic distributor then a dealer, now I buy from other manufactures that at least care a little about me. Skip Jackson Fireside Engeering Cincinnati Ohio