Hearthlist Digest #103 - Sunday, January 25, 1998
Re: Water Stove
  by Paul Scott <[email protected]>
Ice Storm Story
  by Craig Issod <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Re: Water Stove From: "Paul Scott" <[email protected]> Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 21:20:18 -0400     > From: Paul Scott <[email protected]> > To: [email protected] > Cc: [email protected] > Subject: Re: Hearthlist Digest #102 - 01/23/98 > Date: Saturday, January 24, 1998 1:30 AM > > > > > >hi, > > >have you ever heard of such a thing? I have a house with one, and it is > > >a woodburning outdoor stove, which heats water. Air is blown by the > > >water and heats the house. PRoblem is -- I have no directions and would > > >like more info on it. I am afraid they went out of business. Heard of > > >anything simlar? > > > > > >Beth Pepper > > >please respond to [email protected]   Reply ---   > I own a water wood and will help you to answer your Questions > First where do you live? > I know several people across the east cost that own thease units that maybe able to come and help you operate it. > They are fairly simple to operate ,You must make sure that the tank or > water jacket around > the wood stove is up to the correct water level and that the anti corrosive > add mixture is in the tank, > also you may have a manual thermostate or it may be connected derectly to > your thermostate. > I would not know unless I inspected the system personaly. > If you call me at 336-852-9009 after 9pm this is in North Carolina maybe > this would help . > or if you are not far from me I could come and show you how to operate it. > Mine is not a Carolina water stove ,but they were/are not made far from > were I live > and they pretty much operate in the same mannor > I will try to acquire some instructions on how to operate your stove for > you. > Please e Mail me derectly with your phone number at > [email protected] > or leave it on my machine if you do not get a hold of me. > I will need a model number and if possible date of manufactured > > Hope I can Help > Paul Scott Chimney Restoration      
(back) Subject: Ice Storm Story From: Craig Issod <[email protected]> Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 22:47:55 -0400   Thought this was a good one to share. I'll be posting these good ones on HearthNet after I get a few more. They act as good reminders of woodstove and gas fireplace benefits.     Woodstove performance during IceStorm 98   We live in rural Ontario and were effected by the ice storm having no power, water for nine days and phone service down at times. The only reason we could stay in our home is the presence of a woodstove. The newly installed woodstove heated the house quite comfortably, maintaining a room temperature ranging from 15deg C (59 deg F),some mornings, to 23 degC (74 deg F) after stoking it all day. The stove also seved as a way to warm water for coffee and hot chocolate for the kids. My wife even cooked a small roast with vegatables on it, mind you, it took 3 hours, but we weren't going any where! And when our water ran out, we melted snow on it. It also prevented our pipes from freezing. Most people during our blackout, without a heat source were forced into shelters as outside temperatures dipped to -16 deg C ( 3 deg F). We cannot express how fortunate we feel to have a woodstove and would not own another without one. One disadvantage .....candle-lit evenings by the fire side as lost its romantic appeal !   ------------------------------------------------------ Craig Issod HearthNet at http://www.hearth.com [email protected] Everything your Hearth Desires ------------------------------------------------------ Buddha says "avoid error" ------------------------------------------------------