Hearthlist Digest #96 - Thursday, January 15, 1998
Re: Disasters and the Hearth Industry
  by John Crouch <[email protected]>
  by John Gulland <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Re: Disasters and the Hearth Industry From: John Crouch <[email protected]> (by way of [email protected] (Craig Issod)) Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 17:52:07 +0100   Both Tex and John have raised issues which need to be addressed, in my personnel opinion. There are two other types of disasters we are not well prepared for, earthquakes, and major floods. Each disaster has special issues, but one thing they all have in common is the opportunity for us to make a point about alternatives ways to keep warm. When it has been a long time since an area has experience a disaster, media folks look at me like I'm crazy if I raise the issue of home security. Of course, once an area experiences a disaster, then woodstoves are the darling of the local media. They would be more of a darling if we had press packages ready on safe operation during a disaster etc, etc.   I realize this may seem too self serving to my friends Tex and John, and others who are looking at a huge regional disaster but my frustration is that we constantly miss these chances to mold positive public opinion about wood heating. (The same is true for manual pilot lights on gas heaters).   John Crouch   PS: some folks may want to visit the "Ice storm site" at http://www.icestorm98.com      
(back) Subject: Brainstorming From: John Gulland <[email protected]> (by way of [email protected] (Craig Issod)) Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 23:16:12 +0100   I hardly need to mention that Vanessa's post was pretty powerful stuff and nicely written. And it gave me an idea. If any of you are handy with a word processor, you could cut and paste some dandy quotes from Tex's, mine and Vanessa's postings, and with a few linking sentences, produce a first rate and timely media release titled "Revelations from the Storm Zone", or "Wood Heat Saves Lives", or something better that you think up. You can make it location neutral, because it's the same all over the North East.   Here's a paragraph I used in an email note to the Ottawa radio outlet of the CBC; the station that most everyone relies on for emergency info. That quick mail got me an interview this afternoon on how to heat safely with wood in an emergency. The reviews were positive.   "In response to the oil crisis twenty years ago, hundreds of thousands of families installed wood stoves and heated with them for many years. They were motivated by uncertainties about the price and security of supply of conventional energy sources. They also liked the independence and self-reliance that heating with wood implies. Those same uncertainties and values seem to resonate today as we survey the damage. Considered by some to be an artifact of an earlier age, the wood stove has instead proved to be the most reliable heating device any of us could have. It can also be part of our response to the longer term crisis of global warming/climate change by helping us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."   Use it if you want.   Also, the HPAC and APC have just put out a good media release on how to burn safely in an emergency. If anyone in the North East can make use of it by flipping to their local media outlets, let me know.   Regards, John   This is for business: http://www.gulland.ca This is for pleasure: http://www.wood-heat.com