Hearthlist Digest #89 - Tuesday, January 6, 1998
Re: Hearthlist Digest #87 - 01/03/98
  by Ajaenglish <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Re: Hearthlist Digest #87 - 01/03/98 From: Ajaenglish <[email protected]> Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 09:06:11 -0400   By the looks of the Hearthlist lately, we've all been enjoying the holidays and taking a bit of a break after a busy season. How about a little discussion?   I know we'll be getting a lot of information on venting at the EXPO and from John Gulland, but I'd like to see how we retailers are talking to customers about venting systems. Are our responses based on the products we sell or on good, solid information? The hearthlist may be a good forum for a venting discussion.What do you think?   Gail English at Homestead Stove in Portland, OR.