Hearthlist Digest #400 - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 Western Fireplace Forum 2000 by "John Johnson" <[email protected]> How to market antique stoves in America by "toftegaards ovne" <[email protected]>
(back) Subject: Western Fireplace Forum 2000 From: "John Johnson" <[email protected]> Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 17:32:51 -0500 The Gas Fireplace Association of BC The Gas Fireplace Association of British Columbia, Canada is a 7-year-old association, which acts as a proactive voice for the Gas Fireplace Industry. Our members include Manufacturers, Gas Contractors, Retailers, Utilities, Testing Agencies, and Government Authorities. Our mandate is to influence government policy, promote the environmental benefits of natural gas, educate consumers and the fireplace industry, promote the gas fireplace industry and act as a regional voice for the industry. To learn more about the GFABC our Web Site can be viewed at http://www.gfabc.com Every second year we hold a Western Fireplace Forum in Vancouver, BC, Canada. The next forum is slated for April 30 May 01, 2000. The Western Fireplace Forum is a very successful educational and training = event and our third forum in 2000 will build on the success of the previous two events. The 2000 Western Fireplace Forum will be the best ever! A new venue, plus exciting new speakers, sessions, and workshops all combine for a dynamic agenda specially designed to give delegates great value, increased technical knowledge and an improved understanding of the complex issues of the Hearth Industry. The Western Fireplace Forum also features a Tradeshow, designed to showcase the most recent products and systems available. We would like to invite you to the Western Fireplace Forum. With the beautiful BC scenery and the favorable Canadian dollar, Vancouver is an excellent location for this educational and Industry training event. Please check out our Web Site at HYPERLINK = "http://www.gfabc.com" www.gfabc.com for the Trade Show information. . Hope to see you there. John Johnson
(back) Subject: How to market antique stoves in America From: "toftegaards ovne" <[email protected]> Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 11:27:01 -0500 Re, Antique Stoves We have one of Scandinavia=B4s finest collections of restored working stoves, what we don=B4t have is the know how to market them in N. America, all suggestions welcome. sincerely Niccholas Taylor