What a day this was

Up at 6 am , on hearth.com from 8am to 12 noon & out to work, breaking up20 of the 120 pallets that were dropped off here thurs. tiring work, 4 bangs with the sledge per board. I shouldn,t say bangs, at my age, i meerly position the hammer over the board and let gravity do the work.shopping at 3 pm,back @ 4 & my bud's over to help finish the log splitter shed, until 9pm , then take tools in until10pm & i notice its a bit nippy out for ct. @this time of yr.Pick out 2 bucketts of pallet boards for fire wood & inhouse at 11pm lay a small fire, going good by 12 , starting to feel nippy in house at 2 am . whats up with this?
So,i go refresh the fire with 4 splits & figure I can finally take it easy. Well,tough turkey. Not going to happen. go online & come here ,start reading this post & realize it could go down below freezing tonight! out 2 front pourch, thermo reads 32 deg, no wonder it was a bit nippy in the house.run down the basement, turn off the water to the car wash hose & outside 2 drain the hose and open the valve. Then over 2 my other house to turn on the oil burner switch & set the thermo & test fire the oil burner for the first time this season. Back home,reload the stove, this time 3/4 full. Now its toasty in the house, 92 in the basement 72 on the first floor and 64 on the second floor.
Of course, today had to be the day my pellet stove clinkered out on me, so I will have to clean out the ash trap under the fire cup before I can relite the pellet stove; but ,i think i let that wait 4 tomorrow morning , because its 3:40 am & i think i worked hard enough today to deserve to eat supper.
Some how , I doubt I be up much before 1 pm tomorrow. Just in time for it 2 warm up outside so I can finish the log splitter shed roof. Tues we build & install the front door, 8 ft x 8 ft hinged at the roof. with lock down poles so it will open up and act as a sun shade or rain shed, should i ever find myself splitting logs in the rain. who knows, could happen.
hecktic, yes....boring,not 2 me ,today wasnt.
Now that I am retired, I find myself working twice as hard, for free, than when i used to get paid for it.Ironic? you betcha!