We had a nasty storms come through the area last night. Power came back up this evening and the phone lines just came back(dsl). I took some time out today to drive around with the saws. I picked up probably a half cord or so without trying hard, a mix of cherry, oak and ash. I knocked a couple doors where some massive black locust tree's came down but the wood was already promised to others. I told one guy I'd drive by in a week or so to see if it was taken care of for him. I have a feeling that person may get second thoughts when they start cutting since it's going to be a lot of work.
I may hook the trailer up tomorrow and really go after it. I passed on a lot of the big stuff due to being by myself and not wanting to kill my back lifting into the truck. With the trailer I can just roll them up to the back and lift a little bit.
I may hook the trailer up tomorrow and really go after it. I passed on a lot of the big stuff due to being by myself and not wanting to kill my back lifting into the truck. With the trailer I can just roll them up to the back and lift a little bit.